As illustrated by a Post Trolley PT400

If component parts have to be freighted long distances by truck, ship or plane then the result is more CO2. All our trolleys, however, are manufactured in Europe, with most steps in the production chain carried out in Dresden and its surroundings. The majority of metal or plastic components only have to travel a few hundred kilometres. Even our textile bags are not globetrotters, but are manufactured using German fabrics.

And why? Because transporting goods halfway around the world is not in itself an indication of quality.

And that’s better for the environment.


Environmentally-friendly tarpaulin

The protecting cover of the Box-Trolley BT6 consists of around 3 m² of PVC tarpaulin (polyvinylchloride). This material is practically unbeatable in terms of durability, resistance to water and toughness. It absorbs almost no water and is resistant to acids, alkaline solutions, alcohol and oil. This means that your letter and parcels are optimally protected by the trolley from the very first to the very last day.

PVC is not a particularly environmentally-friendly material, and therefore it is all the more vital to ensure that tarpaulin is used whose manufacturing process produces low levels of pollution.

We only work with tarpaulin made in Germany, even though by using Asian suppliers we could lower our prices by around €4.50 per trolley. We have nonetheless decided to stick with German suppliers for the following reasons:

  • the tarpaulin is produced in an environmentally-friendly manufacturing process under strict regulations.
  • old tarpaulin can be recycled within the production process (EPCoat-recycling system)
  • waste produced by the manufacturing process is largely recycled. This recycling is carried out directly at the production facilities to avoid any unnecessary transportation.
  • all chemicals used in the manufacturing process comply with the new regulatory system. The tarpaulin used by viaduct is free of dioctyl phthalate (DOP) or other softeners, monomers and similar substances banned in Europe.

We believe that these arguments justify the slightly higher price.